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The Ballad of Rinty Monaghan
Words and Music by Joe Mulheron

Come all you gallant Irish Clans and listen to me song
It's all about a fightin' man I won't detain you long
His name was Rinty Monaghan and he came from Belfast town
Back in 1948 he took the flyweight Crown.

'Twas down in Bosco's boxing club he learned the fighting trade
To haul his fists up like a man and never be afraid
Then came the night we'd waited for down in the Ulster Hall
He defeated Bunty Doran the toughest of them all.

He then went on to London town his fortune to seek there
To challenge England's champion to fight him if he dared
The bettin' man all laughed 'n' sneered they laid him four to one
But there weren't so many laughin' when the fightin' it was done

He challenged Maurice Sanderyon to fight him for the crown
But he caught young Rinty in the third and laid him on the ground
The blood was trickling from his eye and pouring from his nose
And the referee had counted nine before young Rinty rose.

He danced his way from danger then with punched strong and fast
And soon we all were wondering how Sanderyon could last
Then Rinty threw a mighty blow,a shot fired from a gun
And the Paddies they were cheering,the battle had been won.

Three times young Rinty fought the Crown,three times young Rinty won
And 'Irish Eyes Are Smilin' was the song that Rinty sung
He retired undefeated,sure he never lost the Crown
We'll remember Rinty Monaghan the lad from Sailortown
We'll remember Rinty Monaghan the lad from Belfast Town.